Sunday, October 12, 2008

It has been a good weekend...

The weekend started out GREAT. We were in high spirits and having so much fun..
Saturday Sarah swam in her first meet. She swam in the 8 and under. Free style 25 m and the backstroke 25m.
And was chosen at the end of the day to swim in the Relay! She was SOOOO excited about that. I was thrilled for her. Especially since she couldn't even swim last year LOL

I don't have her times yet b/c they are posting the 8 and under at the next practice. But she did GREAT and our hugest prayer was that she wouldn't be DQ [disqualified] in the first meet. She has a 'habit' of turning on the last stroke (in the backstroke) b/c she hit her head once :O(. But she didn't and she was amazing! YEA SARAH, YEA GOD for answering prayer.
I love seeing that lit up face on my kids! It is a pure- heart -bursting feeling seeing your kid happy!
So I would LOVE to show you photos.. i change out my card and formatted it.. could see the great photos on my camera.. then today they DISAPPEARED! what my momma said ? [as i quote sarah :O)]
I can't get them off the new card. AND we did video it but I have yet to get that to work transferring on the computer.. can you say - Jill is a HUGE disappointment! I can.
THEN Saturday night bob asked me to rub his neck b/c it hurt really bad. So I gave him 800 motrin, heating pad and rubbed until my fingers grew numb.
This morning my man awoke and couldn't MOVE. So we missed church and went into the ER!!!!! I hate missing church, but I really hate to see my honey bunches of o;s in pain. which is rare for him. He sprained his neck. Wanna know how... hummmm okay here goes.. dragging in 160 pounds of CORN to his deer stand b/c he saw a 11 point there on the handy cam!
He is loaded up on major drugs, with a neck soft cast on his neck and passed out right now.
He wants to go to our couples bible study tonight so we will see how that goes.
I told him,, good thing this didn't happen while we were leaving for China. HE said, nothing is keeping me from our son - i would rip this thing off and run if necessary.. aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh I love him!!!!!!!

The weekend is still good. God has shown me through our family bible readings His word and although He has shown me several.. I want to share this one:
Jeremiah 15:18
Why is my pain unending and my wound grievous and incurable? Will you be to me like a deceptive brook, like a spring that fails? Therefore this is what the Lord says: 'If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me; if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman. Let this people turn to you, but you must not turn to them. I will make you a wall to this people, a fortified wall of bronze; they will fight against you but willnot overcome you, for I am with you to rescue and save you' declares the Lord.

I love when God's living word speaks to my heart.
Thank you friends for praying for my heart. I feel the love and peace from your petitions.


Terry said...

Oh No Jill you've had a stressful weekend...but God is Good and I love the way he continues to speak to our hearts especially through difficult times. He is faithful! Love you, Terry

Terry said...

Jill my post disappeared, not sure if it got to you or not :-) I'm sorry the weekend has been ruff...but your right how He is faithful in everything. And the way He continues to speak to us and grow and shape us through it all-expecially when we are waiting for something!Love you, Terry

Alice said...

Wade here; please let Bob know that I'm snickering at him. Snickering quite, quite loudly indeed! :-)