She called up to Christiana, DE and the PLASTIC SURGEON said he would take a peeksy. So up we drove, 45 minutes.. and had a babysitter for the girls (Daniel was not home yet). Walked in and whoa.. they started taking all kinds of instruments out.. hold ON a MINUTE.. nope.. in went this ENORMOUS needle.. and I made a joke that my face was already numb.. no need for a shot. By this time my ENTIRE face was HUGE and swollen and did I say HUGE. ?? I was in a lot of pain. HE SLICED my face.. okay back up.. HE lifted up my lip. I started to cry, and then swoosh. He cut the entire lip, underneath from side to side,... goosh.. out came the infection.. more than you wanted to know? it's not over yet baby!
HE ADMITTED me to the hospital! WHAAAT? Seriously? Seriously?! So the awesome hospital said, I had to wait two hours before I could get a bed.. oh brother.. We left, went to TJ Ma*x and bought some socks, fleece pj's (I get really cold) and a HUGE MILKSHAKE :O). After wasting time we went back and I got my own room.. at the end of a hall.. hhmm umm what is going on? I was in Quarantine! Really! Until my results came back.. they had to make sure i stayed away from everyone.. thinking that it was Merca.. (it wasn't). So here I was, of sound mind and activity level, yet confined to my private room. OH did I mention, just a couple days before, I asked Bob to take the kids to his moms for the weekend so I could get the house in shape (closets and change out the kids clothes for the new season). Go figure. Well, I wanted a weekend and that is what I got.
Okay, so swollen face and nothing and I mean nothing to do. I didn't have my bible, computer, and we were 45 minutes away from our church and friends.. geesh.
The next morning Bob brought my laptop and bible. whew. The first night I was antsy and a little unnerved b/c i had so much to do at home.
The rest of the time there, almost a week, I was relaxing and convinced that God wanted me to rest. SO I did. My plastic guy (isn't that so vain to say! heheh) invited the infectious disease doc in to my room.. okay now i am "freaking out" but holding it together infront of them. They are sweet doc's with great bedside.. so they come in and say "you don't have Merca (praise God) but you do have to stay here until your face is better... the meds weren't working so they changed them up a bit. I was getting meds from the IV's. So this new med, BURNED my veins so bad they had to give me new IV lines in NEW veins every 3 to 6 hours.. OUCH. but they worked.
When the plastic guy came in.. my face was draining and not as swollen. HE turned white and said, I am so thankful. If those meds didn't work, you could have died. " SAY WHAAT? He proceeded to tell me that the "doc's" thought the infection had a good chance of going into my BRAIN !
I thought this dude, I mean Doctor was joking. Clearly he was not. He just breathed like he was holding it all night..
Okay, so the moral ?? don't pop zits that are in your triangle.. nose being the tip and under your eyes being the other sides... an upside down triangle.
You just never know.. I praise God for the meds working, the doctor taking me in at closing that day, and God giving him widsom on how to treat me.
Okay so that was the latest episode..
My poor husband has gone through so much.. :O) Praise God he loves me and sticks by me :O)
This photo shows my lip but not the side of my face that looks like a puffer fish.
Oh. my. goodness. You poor thing! That looks soooo painful. What a blessing that the doctor took care of you. Wow.
What?! That's crazy! You are just full of stories, but they are also stories of God's faithfulness. :)
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