Wednesday, September 17, 2008

about Urgent Pray Request

Sorry folks, they passworded their site. I don't have acess any longer. Here is the quick version and you can see a photo if you go to Barbies sight (in my side bar - Leaving footprints)

On Gotcha day after WAITING for their entire group to see and hold their babies for the first time, the guide turned to them and said ' come with me'.. their child was in the hospital and barely alive. her oxygen counts range from 60 to 90. and they keep asking if she wants a another child. they are trying their best to expediate the paperwork to get her to Vanderbilt. The ch.ines.e officials in that province are not eagerly working as they perhaps could.. so for the papers adn the child pray.
for the mom and dad whom are professing believers in Jesus Christ.. they are worn out, blearly, and sad. they are staying by their daughters side. they are wondering and calling out to Jesus to get them through this, they are saying 'we can't hear Him'. they are asking 'where is He' .. they are being attacked and are weak. both in their hearts and physical being. Please pray for them.
God doens't leave us. God loves us. through the tough times and the good times.
pray with a soft heart. tread lightly on this couple. lift them up. have compassion and love for them. they are going through their own hell right now.

what touched my heart was the adoption and the sick child; sophia was in the hospital for a week two years ago. her ox counts dipped past 59 and she was not well. she had bilateral pnemonia and couldn't hardly breathe. I held her in my arms the entire week, morning, day and night. I remember asking God to please save her life, to please heal her. She had her first seizure [that i know of] during that hospital stay. It was the scariest thing to witness. She was in my arms and it awoke me from a sleep. i remember begging God and asking 'why would he give her to me and then take her so soon' i just didn't understand adn was weak and hurting.
My heart knows [even though the situation is different] the pain of watching your chidl struggle to breathe, the pain of waiting to see what is to happen, and being confused, hurt and quite frankly a little angry. Isn't He strongest when we are weakest? but it isn't something anyone of us would ask for in knowing we want and desire Him to be strong over our lives..
So I am pained to hear of this family and their pain. Praying for healing on everyone's part, for rest, for peace, for a steadfast faith, and rebuke s*tan.
please commmit to praying for this family.


Lisa and Tate said...

Thank You for the nomination! I am so touched by it.

My heart and mind and prayers have been with this sweet girl and family. The power of prayer is a might thing... Hopefully this will be His will too.

4D said...

I would love to hear how things are. Hope there is good news...

Keep smilin!