Thursday, November 20, 2008

As I rejoice my sisters heart is breaking.. what a mix of emotions today.

As we adopt our "sn" children, we look for needs (or have a calling) that "we" can work through, live with, adjust to, simply doesn't have any effect on us, or have a "heart" for. We have time to research and come to terms with the process.. find doctors, nurses and know how to plan financially.. we pray for our children and pray that their Sn is what God uses to reach others.
When a child is born with a Sn, the family really doesn't have that process.. We trust God and believe He will get us through. Yet in a way, we are robbed of the process. there is no right or wrong way, there is no better way, it just is. We are stretched in a way that is uncomfortable.
Please pray for my sister and family as they process the diagnosis they just received. Please pray for the emotions they will and go through.

please pray for wisdom and strength and healing on her family. please include my mom, the worrier of the family as well.. in addition to our whole family.

just thinking out loud...


redmaryjanes said...

I am so happy you have your TA!

And I will continue to pray for your family.

Barbie said...

I am praying for your sister, mom and all of your family.

Anonymous said...

Keeping you and your family in my prayers ... still ...

Anita said...

Tagged you if ya wanna play! :)