Tuesday, July 22, 2008

update on my dad

first I want to thank everyone who is praying for my dad and his health. Please continue to pray for him.

Today he went in for a triple heart bypass. His surgery went well, however they [the surgeons] did a quad bypass. The surgery was a success. Then my dad couldn't stop bleeding. So they had to go back into to surgery tonight and find out why. evidently it was the medicine they put him on and have to give him another medicine to counteract and allow him to clot.
it is 10pm and I just received a call and he out of surgery and doing well.

again, thank you so much for your prayers.
he has to be off work for 6 weeks.
please continue your prayers for healing.

1 comment:

Lori Heinrich said...

Hi Jill,

Thank you for the update; I've been a blog stalker all day, waiting for the good news! ;o) I'm so glad to hear that he is recovering! My grandfather had a quadruple bypass at 80 and just had an aortic valve replacement this year at 87. It is hard, but it is amazing how quickly they recover and how much better they feel when their blood is pumping correctly! My prayers remain with him and with you as you wait. Wish I had $600 to give you, but I know that God will provide those needs. The money is the easy part for Him. :o) Blessings to you all (and thanks for giving us a spot on your prayer list)!